How far along: Currently 28 weeks... I'll never catch up with this blog! lol
Gender Prediction?: Girl!
Gender Prediction?: Girl!
Baby is the size of?: A head of cauliflower...16 inches and 2.5 lbs! according to the baby app on my phone. All these fruit/veggie comparisons are confusing! haha.
Weight gain: yes...and apparently you gain the most in the third trimester? yikes!
Maternity clothes: yes...I can't even imagine trying to attempt to wear any of my old clothes at this point! Chris actually tried on a pair of my maternity pants the other night for fun....we both laughed and laughed....then I cried a little...they were big on him.
Stretch marks: None yet! But i just know they are coming!!
Belly button in or out: Pretty much out! but not all the way just yet.
Sleep: Having leg cramps in the middle of the night the past few nights and also up to the bathroom often. Heartburn and indigestion like nobody's business either!
Best moment this week: Lots going on! Not sure where to start! Chris' brother Dan, Nicki and the kids came up to celebrate the 3rd/4th of july in NY with us for a few days. We took the boat out a few times and the kids loved swimming in the lake and jumping off the boat. They are fearless! I on the other hand didn't move and wouldn't let chris go above 5 mph haha. party pooper !!
*Stole these pictures from Nicki! She never goes anywhere without a camera in hand and is always capturing the best moments with her family and kids. I love that about her! I really need to invest in a good camera before baby girl is born so I am able to do the same!! *
The kids shivering on the boat! the weather wasn't that great
but they didn't mind!
Jax jumping off the boat into the cold water!
Like I said, they are fearless!
Dan, Nicki, Mikayla and Jax at our house
on the 4th of July.
Chris and I on the 4th. He looks so handsome here
and I just feel like a tank.
This has to be my favorite picture!
Mikayla kissing her soon to be baby
cousin Ava. I can't wait to see these two
girls together!! <3
We had a great time spending time with them while they were here! Excited for them
to be back in just a few short weeks for friends of ours wedding and for my baby shower!
Besides all of the 4th of July excitement, some other fun things we have been up to are lots of nursery crafts/decorating, finally choosing carpet ..which should be installed in 1-2 weeks ( then we can really get to putting everything together after that) sent out invites for baby shower, a 3 hour long Hobby Lobby trip with my mom ( she has never been!) we found so many cute shower decorations and I got a few things for the nursery as well :-) also had a 3D/4D Ultrasound done and got to see baby girl's face for the first time!!!
Chris spray painted some mason jars for me and I put
some pretty pink (fake) flowers in there. I found this
idea on pinterest and fell in love. I think it goes perfect with
the pink/gold theme I am going for in the nursery.
Took a set of pant/skirt hangers, spray painted gold, hot glued
and wrapped with gold elastic sequins!
Here is the idea I have in mind for those hangers!
Probably absolutely ridiculous but I just LOVE these
baby MK shoes I got for little miss. They really aren't
badly priced and I totally justified it based on the fact they match
her bedroom.
Sweet baby Ava<3 I am so in love already!!
Look at that face! and those cheeks. I can't
wait to kiss them!!
Miss anything: Lots of things! Being able to get out of bed in just one attempt was something I took for granted before!
Movement: Lots! Baby girl is a dancing machine..especially the other day when I had my glucose test she was kicking like crazy from all the sugar. I failed that test by the way! Which then led me to an even more fun 3 HOUR, more extensive test to rule out gestational diabetes. It sucked... I had to fast for 12 hours before hand and get my blood drawn 4 times that day. I was a hungry miserable mess...but I did pass that test and no diabetes for me!
Cravings: Lots of yummy fruit in this hot summer weather! Loving cranberry-grape juice lately as well. Also have had chinese food and milkshakes on my mind quite a bit.
Queasy or sick: Lots of heartburn/indigestion lately. At our ultrasound last weekend baby was breech and right up under my ribs/diaphragm. The tech said that is probably the cause of the increased indigestion and being so out of breath all the time.