I can't believe my sweet baby girl is already almost one month old!! Where oh where has the time gone? Of course, the days are all blurring together as I sleep in 2-3 hour increments and daytime is no longer distinguished from night! Wouldn't have it any other way ;) ...(okay maybe a few extra hours would be nice)
Anyway, I figured I would keep this blog going with monthly Ava updates and of course random ramblings/posts along the way :) These past few weeks have been so much more amazing than I EVER could have imagined. It has been so fun learning all about Ava and figuring out all of her likes/dislikes. I figured I would do a post on all of our newborn favorites that have helped us survive this past month!
Fisher Price Rock n Play
We originally purchased a Co-Sleeper
that attached to the side of our bed
for Ava to sleep in but she really does not like sleeping
on a flat surface ( will be working on that one, so transition to crib isn't so difficult)
so this is the perfect thing for her to feel cozy and snuggled up in! I put
it next to our bed, turn the white noise app on my phone and dangle
my arm down and rock her to sleep! works like a charm! ( most nights ;) )
Prince Lionheart Wipes Warmer
Originally we thought a wipes warmer was not
a necessity and another gimmick. We quickly changed our tune
when baby girl would pee all over us every time
a cold wipe hit her! This thing has made
diaper changes so much easier/ nicer! especially in the middle
of the night!
4 Moms Mamaroo
This thing has been a lifesaver during the day
especially when I'm alone and need a five min break
to scarf a pb&j and check Facebook ;-)
She loves it!
Dr Browns Bottles
We haven't really tried any other brands
but these are the ones that were recommended
by a lot of my girlfriends and we love them! Ava has no problem
going back and forth between breastfeeding and the bottle!
I originally wasn't going to start pumping for awhile but
that changed when Chris was feeling left out and wanted to feed her. Also Ava
wanted to nurse for 2 hours straight in the middle of the night! sorry chick!
she pounds a bottle and passes right out.
Boppy Pillow
this has been one of my favorites so far! it makes
breastfeeding and positioning baby so much more comfortable!
32 oz Water Bottle
I am so bad about keeping up with drinking
enough water.. so a cute, LARGE water bottle
was essential for me to make it happen.
seriously- wherever I am this thing is with me.
breastfeeding makes you SO thirsty and Chris is so
wonderful and always makes sure mine is filled with
water and ice :) Love that boy!
Changing Pad Liners- lots of them!!
so nice for messy diaper changes so you
don't have to change the entire cover each time! This
is another thing I didn't think about until after Ava
was born.
For the first two weeks (or until umbilical cord falls off)
you can only give sponge baths, which Ava absolutely hated!
After she lost her umbilical cord we were able to use this tub and
she LOVED it! it is so soft, fits/forms to any sink and is so easy to
hang and store! Although when she gets a little bigger we will have to
purchase a bigger tub but for now she is so tiny this works perfect!
See- Ava loves her PUJ Tub ;)
Johnson's Honey Apple Baby Wash
The best smelling baby soap
to go with bath time! nothing better then a good
smellin babe ;)
Pj's that ZIP, NOT button!
seriously, who would have thought? not us!
until its 2 am and your screwing with buttons
and a screaming newborn...err no thanks.
So there you have it :) A few of our most favorite newborn items that we love. Stay tuned for a one month Ava update within the next week!