How far along: 21+ weeks
Gender Prediction?: Girl!
Baby is the size of?: A banana ( 7inches long!)
Baby is the size of?: A banana ( 7inches long!)
Weight gain: 15 ish lbs... give or take ;)
Maternity clothes: Yes...still need to shop for some summer clothes!
Stretch marks: None yet!
Stretch marks: None yet!
Belly button in or out: In...slowly making an appearance though!
Sleep: Still great so far! Still waking up every few hours and also starting to have trouble rolling over/getting comfortable.
Best moment this week: Had a great day off on Monday for Memorial Day. Had people over for a cookout and made THIS amazing strawberry & blueberry trifle for dessert!
Miss anything: Clothes that fit! Feet/toes that don't look like mini sausages .. ;-)
Movement: YES!! FINALLY!! Very faint, tiny flutters ..Chris hasn't been able to feel them from the outside yet but I have definitely noticed in the past few days. Best feeling ever!
Movement: YES!! FINALLY!! Very faint, tiny flutters ..Chris hasn't been able to feel them from the outside yet but I have definitely noticed in the past few days. Best feeling ever!
Cravings: Hmmm... nothing in particular lately... I can tell you I am NOT craving cookout food anymore haha! Also as the weather gets warmer I am loving sprite mixed with raspberry lemonade is heavenly!
Queasy or sick: Neither ..feeling pretty good!
Looking forward to: Getting another ultrasound on the 13th of June...The techs had trouble getting a good picture of baby girl's spine and hands at the last one so we have to go back in a few weeks. Trying not to worry and just looking forward to seeing her again! :)