Wednesday, May 28, 2014

20/21 weeks

Well since I have been not so great at updating this and now that I am almost 22 weeks pregnant, I figured I would combine the past two weeks into one post! 

How far along: 21+ weeks

Gender Prediction?: Girl!

Baby is the size of?: A banana ( 7inches long!)

Weight gain: 15 ish lbs... give or take ;)

Maternity clothes: Yes...still need to shop for some summer clothes!

Stretch marks: None yet! 

Belly button in or out: In...slowly making an appearance though!

Sleep: Still great so far! Still waking up every few hours and also starting to have trouble rolling over/getting comfortable.

Best moment this week: Had a great day off on Monday for Memorial Day. Had people over for a cookout and made THIS amazing strawberry & blueberry trifle for dessert!

Miss anything: Clothes that fit! Feet/toes that don't look like  mini sausages .. ;-)

Movement: YES!! FINALLY!! Very faint, tiny flutters ..Chris hasn't been able to feel them from the outside yet but I have definitely noticed in the past few days. Best feeling ever!

Cravings: Hmmm... nothing in particular lately... I can tell you I am NOT craving cookout food anymore haha! Also as the weather gets warmer I am loving sprite mixed with raspberry lemonade is heavenly!

Queasy or sick: Neither ..feeling pretty good!

Looking forward to: Getting another ultrasound on the 13th of June...The techs had trouble getting a good picture of baby girl's spine and hands at the last one so we have to go back in a few weeks. Trying not to worry and just looking forward to seeing her again! :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

19 weeks

How far along: 20 weeks today! half way there! always a little late posting these ;)

Gender Prediction?: GIRL! confirmed again at our anatomical ultrasound last week 

Baby is the size of?: Mango .. found out she weighs 11 ounces at last appointment 

Weight gain: lots

Maternity clothes: Yes..need to go shopping for more things for summer though..  I am so lucky to go an ENTIRE summer being pregnant :(

Stretch marks: none yet

Belly button in or out: In

Sleep: great! waking up every few hours to pee is annoying but i'm sure it will only get worse!

Best moment this week: Our 20 week anatomical ultrasound last week which confirmed again baby girl is infact a GIRL...and also all body parts/organs are in place! all is looking good! Also Chris and his Dad put in the nursery lighting yesterday which I am SO in love with :) 

Miss anything: Nothing in particular lately! As I get bigger by the minute..bending down gets more difficult for sure! 

Movement: STILL nothing for sure...Ultrasound tech said I have an "anterior" placenta which the baby kicks and it serves as a "cushion" so I may not feel movement for a little while. wah :( 

Cravings: Rootbeer floats !
Queasy or sick: Neither! feeling great ! I haven't been getting such nasty headaches either. I was reading up on it and read that yogurt and a lot of dairy can cause headaches? Haven't been eating any more yogurt and surprisingly I haven't had a bad headache since! not totally positive that was the cause but hey we will see!

Looking forward to: Picking out carpeting for nursery soon and things coming together in there. 

19 weeks.

 Baby girl at last weeks Ultrasound. Always has her hand
by her face like she is way too exhausted ;) little diva!

Baby girl's foot. I think tiny little baby feet
are the cutest!

Nursery lighting went in yesterday! I am in LOVE with 
how it turned out! 

HALFWAY THERE! and so in love with her name<3 
Note: We went back and forth between this one and a few
  other names until one day I came home and Daddy had ordered
 a blanket with "Ava" embroidered on it. Okay then, Ava it is! 
;) we both knew this was the name but that made it official! haha

Monday, May 12, 2014

18 weeks!

How far along: 19 weeks 1 day

Gender Prediction: Girl! who better not have grown any boy parts when we see her at our ultrasound later today ;-)

Baby is the size of: Mango ( 6 in, 0.5 lbs) 

Weight gain: 10(ish) lbs thanks for asking 

Maternity clothes: you bet. 

Stretch marks: Nope

Belly button in or out: In..but slowly coming out.

Sleep: Great! feeling more energized lately and much better overall. 
First Trimester = 3 month hangover that I am SO glad is over :-)

Best moment this week: Got to spend 3 days with my Mama while Chris was in Vegas for a Bachelor party. We went out to eat a few times, celebrated Mother's Day, shopped and had so much fun :)

Miss anything: Hmmm...nothing too much! 

Movement: STILL nothing....Although I have felt little "twinges" or "cramps" a few times I can't say for sure if it is baby movement or just my stomach ?? 

Cravings: Still loving fruit lately! and I may or may not have eaten a double cheeseburger for the first time in ( my entire life?) the other day and it was heaven. disgusting greasy heaven. don't judge me.

Queasy or sick: Neither. Feeling pretty good and haven't had any headaches in awhile! woo! 

Looking forward to: Spending the day with Chris who has been gone since last Thursday, going to lunch and our ultrasound appointment later this afternoon! yipee! Can't wait !

Monday, May 5, 2014

17 Weeks!

How far along: Wayy late with this post! currently 18 weeks :(

Gender Prediction?: Girl!

Baby is the size of ?:  a sweet potato! ( this is a new category I am adding into my weekly updates ..I should just replace the weight gain question with this one ;-)

Weight gain:  stop

Maternity clothes: you bet. So comfy!

Stretch marks: none so far..  I'm sure they'll show their ugly face soon enough with this ever- growing belly!

Belly button in or out: In

Sleep: Sleep is good this week! 

Best moment this week: Went to a yummy dinner at one of our favorite authentic italian restaurants La Fiamma over the weekend..I live for good food!!

Miss anything: Nope..although I could have really gone for a glass of wine with our dinner on saturday! boo! oh well..shirley temples are my fav ;) ( how can I order those without sounding 5 ?) 

Movement: NONE. I am soo anxious for it ! They say anywhere from 18-20 weeks you feel the first little flutters but so far nothing for me :-( 

Cravings: loving grapes lately! also cheese/cheese covered anything ( but that is nothing new )

Queasy or sick: Feeling great this week..besides bouts of heartburn at night but nothing too terrible

Looking forward to: Feeling baby girl kick for the first time! hurry it up girlfriend!