Monday, May 5, 2014

17 Weeks!

How far along: Wayy late with this post! currently 18 weeks :(

Gender Prediction?: Girl!

Baby is the size of ?:  a sweet potato! ( this is a new category I am adding into my weekly updates ..I should just replace the weight gain question with this one ;-)

Weight gain:  stop

Maternity clothes: you bet. So comfy!

Stretch marks: none so far..  I'm sure they'll show their ugly face soon enough with this ever- growing belly!

Belly button in or out: In

Sleep: Sleep is good this week! 

Best moment this week: Went to a yummy dinner at one of our favorite authentic italian restaurants La Fiamma over the weekend..I live for good food!!

Miss anything: Nope..although I could have really gone for a glass of wine with our dinner on saturday! boo! oh well..shirley temples are my fav ;) ( how can I order those without sounding 5 ?) 

Movement: NONE. I am soo anxious for it ! They say anywhere from 18-20 weeks you feel the first little flutters but so far nothing for me :-( 

Cravings: loving grapes lately! also cheese/cheese covered anything ( but that is nothing new )

Queasy or sick: Feeling great this week..besides bouts of heartburn at night but nothing too terrible

Looking forward to: Feeling baby girl kick for the first time! hurry it up girlfriend!

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