Monday, May 12, 2014

18 weeks!

How far along: 19 weeks 1 day

Gender Prediction: Girl! who better not have grown any boy parts when we see her at our ultrasound later today ;-)

Baby is the size of: Mango ( 6 in, 0.5 lbs) 

Weight gain: 10(ish) lbs thanks for asking 

Maternity clothes: you bet. 

Stretch marks: Nope

Belly button in or out: In..but slowly coming out.

Sleep: Great! feeling more energized lately and much better overall. 
First Trimester = 3 month hangover that I am SO glad is over :-)

Best moment this week: Got to spend 3 days with my Mama while Chris was in Vegas for a Bachelor party. We went out to eat a few times, celebrated Mother's Day, shopped and had so much fun :)

Miss anything: Hmmm...nothing too much! 

Movement: STILL nothing....Although I have felt little "twinges" or "cramps" a few times I can't say for sure if it is baby movement or just my stomach ?? 

Cravings: Still loving fruit lately! and I may or may not have eaten a double cheeseburger for the first time in ( my entire life?) the other day and it was heaven. disgusting greasy heaven. don't judge me.

Queasy or sick: Neither. Feeling pretty good and haven't had any headaches in awhile! woo! 

Looking forward to: Spending the day with Chris who has been gone since last Thursday, going to lunch and our ultrasound appointment later this afternoon! yipee! Can't wait !


  1. Can't wait to see baby girl's pictures later today! With Mikayla I felt her move for the first time right after 20 weeks I think, it'll be so light at first but you'll know! It'll feel like a little quiver then just wait for it.... in another 12 weeks, it'll feel like she's trying to punch her way out of there! haha.

  2. this blog makes me want a double cheeseburger .. love ya cant wait for the ultrasound today!

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