Thursday, April 24, 2014

16 Weeks!

How far along: 16 weeks 4 days 

Gender Prediction?: GIRL! 

Weight gain: Do I have to answer this?! 8 lbs according to Dr's visit on Tuesday!

Maternity clothes: Yes. love them..the long/stretchy shirts are most comfortable on my ever-growing belly!

Stretch marks: None so far

Belly button in or out: In

Sleep: Sleep is good this week! 

Best moment this week: Easter with the family on Sunday and all the yummy food! , sad I had to miss Easter with Chris' family :( Also we went to Babies R Us and bought a few things which is my new favorite thing to do ! ( I know its early and I should wait but I just can't help myself! its addicting! ) have heard so many good reviews on the 4moms MamaRoo so we decided what the heck! cashier even gave us 15% off because we forgot our coupons. sahweet!

Miss anything: Not really. Would LOVE  a VENTI iced caramel latte right about now ;)

Movement: None yet :( I hope within the next couple of weeks I get to feel those first little kicks! I can't wait for that!

Cravings: Nothing specific as of right now..trying to be better about my eating habits lately. I know I have been a jerk and eating terrible :( yogurt, english muffins, cheese and crackers have been on my love list the past week :)

Queasy or sick: Neither! Although I'm not sure why I keep getting these AWFUL tension headaches/migraines but they are the worst ever! Past 2 days has been rough. Who has a cure since this chick can't take any meds!?

Looking forward to: Taking spare bed and furniture out of baby girls room and slowly getting started on that!
I am in love with the old school Jenny Lind cribs that I have seen all over pinterest!  I have read awesome reviews and for that price you really can't go wrong!


  1. You know how I feel about that crib... it will be perfect in her room :) Let the nursery planning BEGIN! Woo!

  2. Wow that mamaroo thing looks amazing!!!
    With Noah I had those same awful headaches, like every single day. Especially in the beginning. I would take tylenol but not more than 2 a day just because I wasn't sure how much I could take being prego. At least with mine it didn't last the entire pregancy. I think mine stopped about half way. I wish I could give you some advice on how to get rid of them, just laying down and resting seemed to do the trick for me. I hope they ease up for you soon!
    Happy 16 weeks :)
